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Library Life

From the Director's Desk

One of my goals as Director of the VCBC Public Library is to provide answers to those questions that may be unspoken. This library has existed for 120 years and has been an invaluable resource to our community members in many ways. To provide another perspective that will give insight into all things library and perhaps life in general, I am happy to introduce our newsletter called Library Life! The name for this newsletter is the result of much thought on my part and input from staff and others. There were many great choices I explored, yet Library Life seems to fit with the intent of the newsletter. Since I, as the Director of VCBC Public Library, will be writing this newsletter, I wanted it to fit my style and reflect what is happening at the library, or in my life, or maybe a combination of both. It may be filled with serious stuff, library facts, upcoming events, or maybe even a humorous story I feel I need to share. I hope you find it interesting and look forward to next month’s issue. Please be aware that while all facts and events noted will be true, opinions will be mine, and not necessarily aligned with the opinions of the VCBC Public Library Board. Comments and questions are welcome! You may contact me, Anita Tulp, VCBC Public Library Director at

A wooden bookend with the text "Crafted by Dean Pedersen" and faux books standing upright against it.
Library Life, May 2024
An old, dilapidated dome ceiling with peeling paint and windows, showing signs of decay and neglect.
Library Life, February 2024
Anita Tulp, Library Director
Library Life, April 2024
All books have been moved in preparation for the restoration of the dome!
Library Life, June 2024